I have been working as an artist and teacher since the early 70’s. I began drawing and painting on my own while studying in Paris, and then continued until I took some courses, got a degree in art education, and later, a Masters in the area of printmaking and painting at the University of New York in Albany.
As I was leaving the masters program, I worked making murals through the City Arts Office of New York for several glorious years. I then worked as an adjunct, teaching fundamental drawing and figure drawing at what is now the Sage Colleges in Albany. Then during my 6 years as the Fine Arts mentor for Empire State College. I also taught several interdisciplinary courses. I was asked to do a residency of 10 weeks with students in Ticonderoga, and there began a 25 year career as an artist-in-education. Many large murals, and large mixed media and collaborative works later I decided to teach art part-time with adults who have traumatic brain injuries.
I am now painting and making art full-time.
My work is in many ways classical. Color, texture of the particular media I am working with, form and line work together. At times figurative, expressive, animated, and almost always about nature or about the joy of being out there, outside. I work with the familiar places and beloved places I know, and so in the past five years, have been looking and working much more about the forest and woods near me and now of the disappearing Florida landscapes.
Born: 1947
B.A: Bennington College, 1969, French Language and Literature, Paris, France Junior Year Abroad, 9/1967-June/1968
Fifth Year Certification in Art Education, Univ. of Vermont, 1971
M.A., Printmaking and Painting, Albany State University of New York
Robert Wood Univ. Hospital, Middletown, NY (2016)
Albany Institute of History and Art
Excelsior College, Albany
Albany State Univ.
Blue Shield, Philadelphia
Key Corps, Albany
Phoenix Insurance, E. Greenbush NY
John’s Park Grill, Middletown, NY
Hudson River Panorama, AIHA, 2009-2011
Book: “Experiencing Albany: Past, Present, & Future”, Rockefeller Inst.
Women Artists News, (inside cover photo of self-port.) 1982
Artists in Their Own Image, Lake Placid Cent. For the Arts
The Faces of the City: Albany Portraits from Three Centuries, AIHA, catalogue
“Cycles”, NYCWA, Catalogue: Flag Art, AIHA